Tantric Massage Therapy Sessions.


Tantra Lite

A lighter version of a regular Tantra session that includes Aroma Therapy, abundance of oil, Breathwork, feather-light touches, sensual massage & Breast Palpation.

Duration: 1 hour

Cost: Rs 5,000


Tantra Optimum

The regular Tantra session that is designed to give you maximum sensuality. This session includes Aroma Therapy, abundance of oil, Breathwork, feather-light touches, sensual Massage, body-to-body Massage, Breast Palpation and Yoni Massage.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Cost: Rs 6,500

Tantra Max

Make the best of one session by adding Shiv Lata Mudra to the regular session. Intimacy and sensuality is enhanced by giving massage in the classical Shiv Lata Mudra sitting pose. This session also includes Aroma Therapy, abundance of oil, Breathwork, feather-light touches, sensual Massage, body-to-body Massage, Breast Palpation and Yoni Massage.

Duration: 2 hours

Cost: Rs 8,000

Tantra Rituals

Go more traditional with our take on the classical Tantra rituals like Sensual Ecstatic Dance Ritual, Panchamakara Ritual etc. These classics have been leaked to make them more relevant to today’s time keeping the essence intact. Email us to know more.

Duration: ———

Cost: Varies


As Tantric Massage Therapy utilises your sexual energy, it is always given by a person from an opposite gender.