Discover the mystery within

Tantra means technique, the method, the path. It is not concerned with intellectual problems and enquiries. It is not concerned with what is the truth, but how truth can be attained. There are totally 112 techniques to cover all types of people keeping in mind their differing temperament and nature. The idea is to play with them for a few days - the word play is important, not to be serious, not to make a strenuous effort or discipline yourself, but to play. And when something seems to click for you, you can explore it deeply and it becomes your key to unlock the mystery within. 

Here are a few techniques to get you started. 

Radiant one, this experience may dawn between two breaths. After breath comes in and just before turning out the beneficence.

When your breath comes in, observe. For a single moment, or a thousandth part of a moment, there is no breathing - before it turns outward again. And in that moment the happening is possible.

Simply by looking into the sky, the blue sky, beyond the clouds, the serenity.

Look into the blue sky and go on looking. The object is infinite, there is no boundary to it. In fact it is not even an object, it is an absence of object. Do not think about it but just look, and suddenly, because there is no object, just a vacuum, suddenly you will become aware of yourself.

At the start of sexual union, keep attention on the fire in the beginning, and so continuing, avoid the embers in the end.

Sex can be a very deep fulfillment, and sex can throw you back to your wholeness, to your natural, real being. So this technique says, don’t be in a hurry and do not hanker for the end: remain with the beginning. Remain with your lover as if you have become one. Melt into each other. When you are not in a hurry to finish, the act, by and by becomes less sexual and more spiritual. A deep, silent communion happens between two body energies, and then you can remain for hours together. And as time passes. it becomes an ecstasy, a samadhi, cosmic consciousness. 

When in a sexual union, your senses are shaken as leaves, enter this shaking.

Shaking is just wonderful because when you shake in your sexual act the energy starts flowing all over the body. Shake! Vibrate! Allow every cell of your body to dance. And don’t stand aloof, be the shaking. As if it is not just your body that is shaking, it’s your whole being. In the beginning, there are two shaking energies, and in the end just a circle - not two. You are dissolved as solid bodies. You have flown into each other. The mind is lost, the division is lost. You have a oneness. This is Advait, this is non-duality.

Consider your essence as light rays from centre to centre up the vertebrae, and so rises “livingness” in you.

The vertebrae, the spine, is the base of both your body and mind. If the spine is young, you are young. The spine has two ends: the beginning is the sex centre and the end is Sahasrar, the seventh centre at the top of the head. The sex centre functions through imagination. This technique uses imagination to move your sexual energy - also known as Kundalini - from the sex centre to the Sahasrar. Imagine first that you are just light rays, then move your imagination to the sex centre. Concentrate your attention there and feel that light rays are rising, upwards and upwards. When they reach the top of the head, conceive of the lotus of a thousand petals, opened, and from every petal this light energy is moving into the cosmos. When the energy comes to the head, you will feel dizzy. Sometimes you may even feel some nausea before the final explosion.

Great joy arises instantly, while being caressed. Through that joy, one’s true nature is manifested.

This verse is the primary technique used in Tantric Massage Therapy. The joy arising from the sense of touch can lead us to the bliss of our true nature. In order for this to happen, you have to remain aware of the joy we are experiencing. Then, suddenly you will experience an explosion of joy and your true nature will be revealed.

Cast your attention on the joy experienced, between the beginning and end of the sexual act. One will be completely filled with energy, and through the bliss of love, one is united with the ultimate

Focus your attention and the joy or love experienced during a sexual union. Feel the love flowing and when there is enough joy experienced, one dissolves, one’s individual identity disappears. There is only this great energy surging through one's body. This energy is Kundalini. She starts her ascent up the spine, filling one with her ecstasy. This verse is primary technique used in the Panchtattva ritual, where intoxicants and meats are consumed before a sexual act. Then the man sits in a lotus position and the woman sits on his lap. The man enters her and she has her arms around his neck. Then the lovers are to synchronise their breathes. They look into each other’s eyes and press their bodies together. The faces touch, the foreheads touch and the eyes look directly into each other. They stay locked in the pose, breathing together, sometimes for hours.

Without support for feet or hands, sit only on the buttocks. Suddenly, the centering.

This technique has been used by Taoists in China for centuries, and it is a wonderful technique - one of the easiest. Sit on the ground. In any simple asana that does not involve your hands, like Padmasana or Sidhasana. Just close the eyes and feel the buttocks touching the ground. You will notice that one buttock is touching more to the ground than the other. Then move the leaning to the other, then come to the first. Go on moving from one to the other and by and by balance. Balancing means both your buttocks are touching equally to the ground. Once both your buttocks are balanced, suddenly, the centering. You will forget the buttocks, you will forget the body. You will be thrown to the inner center. 

In a moving vehicle, by rhythmically swaying, experience.

Usually when you are travelling in a train or a car, you are resisting the car’s movement, in order to balance, otherwise you will fall down. Do not resist - this is the first thing. If you want to do this technique, do not resist. Rather, move with the movement. Whatever the vehicle is doing, become part of its movement. And the second thing is, create a rhythm. Create rhythm in your movements, make it a beautiful harmony. Make it as if it’s a dance, and the experience will come to you.